Afghanistan and the Collapse of Normals’ Faith in the System by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall
I don’t want to hear any more about how there is a two-track justice system in America, or about how the media consists of lying regime toe-suckers, or about how our institutions are garbage entities run by garbage people producing garbage results. I know all that, and so do you. We’re based, conservative woke, and we know what time it is. It’s Backlash O’clock and it is time to party.
So it’s actually getting to be a cliché to point out the utter incompetence, corruption, and unsupported self-regard of our would-be betters. You come off as naïve if you bother to observe, “Hey, you know that sending tacti-cool commandos fresh from fighting the KKKonspiracy to create evil garage pulls at NASCAR with their Glocks n’ ARs to your political opponent’s pad is not optimal for preserving Muh Democracy, which last week was so very important.” And you’re not wearing tinfoil headgear if you sputter in laughter at the idea that that Trump has a dog-eared copy, highlighted of the Single Integrated Operational Plan (SIOP) buried in Melania’s undies drawer, because Trump’s a particularly voracious reader and he cares about how many Trident D5s get allocated to Vladivostok when Biden’s bungling finally causes the balloon to go up.
No, you’re just awake. And we are. We get it. We’re hip to the scam. It’s the remaining normal people, those ones concerned with BBQs and Little League and Netflix n’ chilling, are the ones who need to hear this stuff, who need the red-pill. But the number of unpilled normals is dwindling. And the dwindle process began a year ago in Afghanistan when normals took a look at their television machines and their InstaFaceTwits and saw dudes dropping off the landing gear of C-17s taking off from Kabul Airport and said to themselves “Why, this isn’t right at all.”
More and more normals are waking up to the systemic failure of our ruling class. It’s going to manifest itself in November when we utterly destroy the Democrats at the ballot box. But the enemy will not learn from being chastened by voters. No, it will double down on weaponizing law enforcement, censorship, and other modes of intimidation to try to hold on to the power it did not earn and does not deserve. But, as my new non-fiction book We’ll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of Americaobserves, we are going to demolish them and their hideous commie dreams.